SPR Summer Drinks, Devonshire Terrace
16 September 2021

We finally meet in person!

Last week’s summer drinks were a brilliant opportunity for members to catch up in person and enjoy a drink at Devonshire Terrace.
Real Capital Analytics and Datscha UK Limited kindly sponsored this the first in-person SPR event since Feb 2019.

With around 40 SPR members attending it was a smaller affair than previous years but all the better for being able to space out, speak to everyone you wanted to and meet new people in a spacious, friendly atmosphere.  Attracting a range of members from those who had just joined to the most experienced long standing members it was a great way to catch up with those across the industry.





For some it was an excuse to return to the office for the day as well, and for others just a great chance to get to know colleagues and peers.
It was brilliant to get back to the core of what the society is about – meeting and discussing ideas with other researchers in the industry.  With two more in person events planned before the end of the year I really hope we can continue to responsibly meet up.

P.S. make sure you look out for the fun yellow Datscha sunglasses given out at the event!

(Guest blog – Lucy Greenwood)