SPR Winter Drinks
26 January 2023
Martha's Cellar, Williamson's Tavern, London, EC4

In the first SPR social event of 2023, some 60 members gathered for drinks and canapés at Martha’s Cellar, close to St Paul’s in the City of London.  This was the first time the Society has held a post-Christmas drinks, and members clearly appreciated the chance to banish the January blues.

The free drinks that SPR provided ensured the members enjoyed networking well into the evening.  With Thursdays now evidently the new Friday in the City, the event tapped seamlessly into the relaxed vibe that saw many of the surrounding pubs spilling onto the pavements.

As always with this kind of SPR event, there was a healthy mix of newer and more established members, and also the chance for some of those who had not been able to attend last year’s over-subscribed Annual Dinner to have a good chat with Society colleagues.

Tim Horsey